A Member of OB/GYN Affiliates
All-female OB/GYN Practice
Littleton & Lone Tree, Colorado
(303) 795-0890
Women's Health Care Associates understands that fertility challenges can be incredibly difficult. Our female OB/GYN providers specialize in compassionate and comprehensive care to help you and your partner meet these challenges and move forward together.
We typically recommend calling to schedule an office evaluation if you have been trying for pregnancy for:
Six months (if age >35)
Twelve months (if age <35)
We start with an initial consult with one of our providers and then create an individualized plan. Our goal is to work together to help diagnose and treat infertility and achieve a healthy pregnancy.
Fertility challenges usually fall into one of three categories:
Female factors​​:​ this can include absent or irregular ovulation, problems with fallopian tubes, or issues with egg quality or quantity.​​
Male factors: this can include concerns about sperm counts or abnormal shape or motility.
Unexplained infertility: this occurs when an initial work-up fails to provide any explanation for infertility.
We provide services that include:
Diagnostic testing
On-site ultrasound and labwork
Specialized ultrasounds to evaluate if fallopian tubes are open
Medication to induce ovulation
Medication to trigger ovulation
Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
We are also happy to be partners with many infertility providers in the community. This includes a male fertility group called Posterity Health. Their expertise is in diagnosing and treating male factor infertility. Together, we can formulate a plan to achieve a healthy pregnancy and treat most aspects of infertility.
In addition, our practice partners with Jeff Faudem, an acupuncture and Chinese medicine practitioner. Jeff is certified in Oriental Reproductive Medicine, and works with many of our patients to help achieve a healthy pregnancy!